Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Matts essay 4 on salt

Salt. It goes good on almost everything. A pinch here a shake there, and the pour every now and then. But do we as Americans realize that the amount of salt that we take into our bodies is much more then we actually need it to be? The amount of salt that is in the processed foods the that we eat on a daily basis is going to cause serious health risks not only for us now but for the generations to come, it will also affect the health of those who follow us because if we don’t know how to lessen the amount of salt how will the next generation? The amount of salt in our food directly impacts our health and well being, if we do not take steps to lessen that amount we could end up with serious illnesses.

Salt, not the most deadly thing we as humans put in our bodies on the regular, the amount of caffeine some people ingest is astounding. Speaking from experience, be careful about how much caffeine you put in your body, I went to the hospital because I had three Monster Energy® drinks and a Rockstar® energy drink, the doctors said I was lucky that I had barfed earlier before being admitted because of all the caffeine was making my heart beat way to fast, if I remember correctly the doctor said I had a heart rate of 179BPM at 16 years old that was really high, yeah that’s a mistake I will never make again. Enough about caffeine, salt it makes everything, well almost everything, taste better but it is a leading cause of high blood pressure in today’s young America. “The most common form of salt we put in our bodies is Sodium Chloride, or table salt.” (http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/hbp/prevent/sodium/qfacts.htm).  Think about it, when was the last time to ask the waiter to bring you salt? Or the last time you where at a fast food spot and didn’t put salt on your fries? Exactly it has been so long and it has become a habit to salt everything we eat now a days. “Processed food contains the most amount of salt.” (http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/hbp/prevent/sodium/qfacts.htm). Of all the food that we consume the food we eat that has been processed, or prepared for us, has the most salt in it because the salt keeps the prepared food good longer then the food would if it wasn’t covered in salt.    

As the picture above shows that there is a lot of salt in the fast food we eat almost every week.  “Less salt lower blood pressure.” (http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/hbp/prevent/sodium/qfacts.htm)  No words could be truer, if we cut down the amount of salt we ingest, we would be able to start the process of losing the title of “Fattest Nation” and begin to be a healthier nation.
 Some have said that “I am eating Kosher salt, or I’m eating sea salt” thinking that it is better then normal salt, “Kosher salt and sea salt aren’t different, they are still “salt”.” (http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/hbp/prevent/sodium/qfacts.htm) the fact is that if it has the word salt in it, its Salt and it isn’t healthier if it is kosher or if it is sea salt. After I read this I immediately started to try to lessen the amount of salt I eat each day. “Try to have less then 6g of salt a day.” (http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/hbp/prevent/sodium/qfacts.htm). This is a goal America should strive for not only because it is healthier, but also because it is something that will make the lives of the children better.   The fact that our own government says, “Americans eat too much sodium, commonly consumed as salt.” (http://www.cdc.gov/features/dssodium/), should tell us that we need to cut back our salt intake. The CDC, Center for Disease Control, has gone on record and stated, “We all need a small amount (e.g., between about 180 mg and 500 mg per day) of sodium to keep our bodies working properly.” (http://www.cdc.gov/features/dssodium/).  Basically it comes down to each individual citizen of our great nation to stand up and say I don’t need to put salt on this, or hey we should try to have at least one meal a week with no salt unnecessary salt in it, two meals like that would be best.
If we as Americans or well as people wish to live healthier lives we must cut back on the processed foods, and cut way back on the amount of NaCl we put in our bodies. With all the things we are capable of doing, cutting down the amount of salt we eat each day should be easy but we must find the will power to actually step up and cut down the amount of salt we eat in a day. Its not asking America to give up salt completely its just asking to lessen the amount of salt eaten. If we can do this we can build a healthier America, for future generations and us.  
Reference Page
John Rolfe (2010). Pizza Hut agrees to a big slice in salt levels . [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/lifestyle/pizza-hut-agrees-to-a-big-slice-in-salt-levels/story-e6frf00i-1225907023288. [Last Accessed 12/4/2012].

Quick Facts on Salt. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/features/dssodium/ . [Last Accessed 12/4/2012].

The Center For Disease Control (2/24/2011). Americans Consume Too Much Sodium (Salt). [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/features/dssodium/. [Last Accessed 12/4/2012].


Figure 1.


  1. this is by far my best essay

  2. Good job !! I haven't seen anyone else using such a common word and making such a creative write up...I think it is one of the best essay I have come across :)
